
Coaching testimonials from Find Your Way Ltd clients

Pam - Coaching client

“What made me choose to work with Hannah more than 2 years ago, and again and again ever since, is her warmth, her creativity, her sense of humour and her ability to create and hold a safe space in which I feel comfortable talking about anything personal or professional.  She has supported and challenged me in making positive changes to the way I see and believe in myself after leaving teaching, and at every step in the evolution of my business. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

- Pam, Business Owner, Buckinghamshire

Pam - Coaching client

“Hannah is an absolutely amazing coach! Her warmth and professionalism instantly put you at ease to feel completely comfortable throughout the session. Her positive and creative approach left me with so many ‘aha’ moments that opened up new ways of thinking that have continued to benefit me long after the end of the coaching. My sessions were all so different but equally powerful, I laughed, I cried, I learnt so much about myself and the lessons Hannah guided me towards will stay with me forever.“

- Rebekah, Teacher, Birmingham

“I was at a very low place professionally when Hannah came into my life. As a foreigner there are certain elements of us that makes us just accept things as they are, even if we are not happy, not content, not seen or heard, we just keep going and accept things as they are. At that very low point of my life I met Hannah – why did I choose her, her email was ‘Find Your WAY’, her wall art said ‘Find Your Way!’, and she did just that. She made me FIND MY WAY!

I don’t know how else to put it but if it wasn’t for Hannah, I wouldn’t have had that chance to STOP, to REFLECT and PAY ATTENTION to the reality I was faced with. So often in our line of work, it’s always about giving, about helping, about how far we can go to make a difference for everyone else around us. Hannah stopped me in one of our earlier sessions and just asked me this simple question ‘ AT WHAT COST?’. I couldn’t answer her, I didn’t expect that and I most certainly didn’t want to hear it – that broke me and I cried for a good few minutes, I’ve never cried like that with someone I personally don’t know. But she only needed a few sessions to know me and that was my turning point.

Hannah in her quiet demeanour, in her powerful presence and passionate attention, she brings about such a positive energy that just creates this buzz of ‘home’. You know that feeling of walking in a cold, rainy day, and coming home to its warm welcome, a cuppa and a happy feeling of ‘I’m home!’. Hannah was that for me. At the point of life where you feel it’s all go! Go! Go!, she was the pause I needed, the mirror I needed to look into to really see me."

- Sila, Talent Acquisition Specialist

“We worked with Hannah recently to help facilitate an all-staff offsite event. She was excellent, bringing energy, experience and focus to the team-building event.”

-Martin, CEO, London

“Over the last 8 months I have had a number of dedicated sessions with Hannah that have been both challenging and rewarding. The sessions have given me the opportunity to reflect on situations, in a safe and supportive environment and consider how my contribution has impacted outcomes both positively and negatively … My increased confidence has helped me better understand my value proposition and shape my thinking about the next stage in my career journey.”

- Karen, Senior Leader, Lancashire

“I really didn’t have a clear idea of what I was looking to achieve; being able to allow the outcomes to emerge as part of the process has probably been the biggest revelation for me here and felt great.”

- Annette, Business Owner, Glasgow

Some of my clients

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