What’s the difference between Coaching, Counselling and Psychotherapy? 

Coaching (1:1)


Cost - from £150 per hour (corporate rates vary)

Duration - 60 to 90 minutes per session

Frequency - Ad-hoc or blocks of 6-8 monthly sessions

Location - Face to Face / Online / Client Location / Outdoors

Time of day - Variable

Often actions will be agreed upon during sessions which clients will progress between sessions.

Clients reason for coming

Typically clients who seek coaching with me will have a specific goal they want to focus on, they may feel stuck in their life direction, be looking for support to progress their career or need support developing their leadership skills in a current or new role.

Coaching clients are often seeking support to develop their career, confidence, or are wanting to work towards a particular life goal and may find themselves stuck with familiar patterns that they want to shift.

Who’s it for

Anyone 18 years and older.

Typically working professionals.

Counselling and Psychotherapy (1:1)


Cost - £65 per hour

Duration - 50 minutes per session

Frequency - Weekly

Location - Fleet Therapy Room in person / Online

Time of day - Same day and time each week

Sessions focus on what is happening in the room during the session, sitting with the uncomfortable and unknown. Homework is not set.

Clients reason for coming

Typically client who seek counselling or psychotherapy with me are looking to address situations which cause difficulty in their lives. Clients may be feeling sad, angry, anxious, hopeless, scared, lonely, depressed, lacking self-esteem, a loss of control, worry, stuck etc.

Counselling and psychotherapy clients are often seeking support for healing through deep exploration of self, going into the foundations of who they are. Exploring who they are at their core, how they show up in the world, how they have come to be that way, and what needs to happen for them to adopt new ways of being. Clients are typically seeking support to change how they currently experience life, to experience living in the world better.

Who’s it for?

Anyone 18 years and older.

Get in touch for a free 30 minute introduction to establish your needs and discover how I can support you.