Therapeutic Coaching

What is Therapeutic Coaching?

It plays at the boundary of Coaching and Psychotherapy, combining both skill sets to help you achieve your goals. Going deeper than traditional forms of coaching, we'll identify and unlock the patterns that keep you feeling stuck.

How can Therapeutic Coaching help me?

Do you lack confidence or feel like an imposter, ask ‘who am I?’ or ‘what do I want?’, or perhaps you know what you want and can't work out how to get there. I’ll help you identify why you feel stuck. Together, we’ll find out what you really want and need, and discover how you’ll get there.

How does it work?

A new Coaching relationship will typically consist of 6-8, 1-hour, monthly sessions. We will work together to understand your motivations for change, where you are right now, where you want to be and develop an actionable plan for you to implement outside the sessions. Clients often then return on an ‘as and when’ basis as new needs arise.


Individual Coaching

Sessions are £150 per hour and are 60-90 minutes per session. These are in blocks of 6-8 monthly sessions or on an ad-hoc basis.

Special offer for block booking

Book 6 coaching sessions for £780 - a saving of £120.


Rates vary depending on requirements - please get in touch to discuss.

Coaching and Counselling - what’s the difference?

Aside from logistical differences, Counselling focuses on healing through deep exploration of self - understanding and healing experiences that interfere with our experience of the present. Coaching is focused on the present and the future - how to change your life direction, support to progress your career, or achieve a specific goal.

I’ve put together an easy guide to help you work out which is best for you.

Client testimonials

Pam - Business Coaching Client

“What made me choose to work with Hannah more than 2 years ago, and again and again ever since, is her warmth, her creativity, her sense of humour and her ability to create and hold a safe space in which I feel comfortable talking about anything personal or professional.  She has supported and challenged me in making positive changes to the way I see and believe in myself after leaving teaching, and at every step in the evolution of my business. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

- Pam, Business Owner, Buckinghamshire

Business Coaching

Rebekah - Life Coaching client

“Hannah is an absolutely amazing coach! Her warmth and professionalism instantly put you at ease to feel completely comfortable throughout the session. Her positive and creative approach left me with so many ‘aha’ moments that opened up new ways of thinking that have continued to benefit me long after the end of the coaching. My sessions were all so different but equally powerful, I laughed, I cried, I learnt so much about myself and the lessons Hannah guided me towards will stay with me forever.“

- Rebekah, Teacher, Birmingham

Life Coaching

“Hannah is patient, genuine and highly expert at what she does - I simply cannot recommend her enough! Hannah offered a safe space where I could share my thoughts freely. She listened with attentiveness and asked questions that led to meaningful revelations. She has supported me in turning these new discoveries and learnings into actions that have reaped real life results. These powerful sessions provide you with enough challenge and support to truly lead you to a happier you. My experience with Hannah has been invaluable and I recommend her coaching wholeheartedly to others.“

— Aleena, Project Manager

1:1 Career Coaching

“Over the last 8 months I have had a number of dedicated sessions with Hannah that have been both challenging and rewarding. The sessions have given me the opportunity to reflect on situations, in a safe and supportive environment and consider how my contribution has impacted outcomes both positively and negatively … My increased confidence has helped me better understand my value proposition and shape my thinking about the next stage in my career journey.”

— Karen, Head of Procurement

Leadership/Executive Coaching

“I really didn’t have a clear idea of what I was looking to achieve; being able to allow the outcomes to emerge as part of the process has probably been the biggest revelation for me here and felt great.”

- Annette, Business Owner

Business coaching

Get in touch for a free 30 minute introduction to establish your needs and discover how I can support you.